Buy an organic shampoo and conditioner
Many people hold the false belief that any hair shampoo or conditioner will be effective for them. You need to locate a shampoo that is appropriate for the texture and type of your hairs. Your best days will come from using the appropriate product for your hairs type and texture, just like with skincare. You will develop greasy and weak hairs if you use shampoo and conditioner that are inappropriate for your hairs type, texture, and scalp. Using an organic shampoo and conditioner will stop your scalp from going into overdrive. There are no harmful chemicals or sulphate in organic shampoos and conditioners.
According to a celebrity hairstylist, you should double cleanse your scalp. We double cleanse our faces but neglect our hairs and scalp. Double cleansing will clean your scalp as well as remove dirt and shampoo residue. Dirt, excess oil production, and product buildup cause your hairs to become greasy, so double cleansing your hairs will fix everything and you will notice a significant change in the behavior of your hairs and scalp.
Stop washing your hair on a daily basis
You’ll hear that washing your hairs frequently is the only way to get rid of product buildup and excess oil. Celebrity stylists disagree, though. Less frequent hair washing is a good idea at all times. You interrupt your scalp’s natural biome when you frequently wash your hairs. In simpler terms, it is a barrier that is damaged by daily or every other-day hair washing or dry shampooing. The perfect pH balance for healthy hair growth and development is 5. Your scalp will go into a panic mode if you use harsh chemicals and shampoos, and your hair will become brittle, damaged, and greasy. In the winter, you might also notice that your hairs become frequently greasy. Wet hairs are damaged by cooler temperatures, and styling your hairs frequently in the winter will dehydrate and weaken it. As a result, wash your hair no more frequently than once or twice per week. Try to avoid frequently using dry shampoo.
Clean Up Your Hair Tools
Our hair tools are another source of greasy and damaged hairs. We hardly ever think about the hair tools we use every day. Even though we frequently get greasy and damaged hairs as a result of our hair tools, we often spend hours perfecting our natural and organic haircare products but pay little attention to them. Due to scalp debris, your hair brush and straightener retain extra oil. You can be sure that the bristles of your hairbrush have debris on them if you check it right now.
You should clean your hair tools twice a week for healthy, non-greasy hairs. Simply combine hot water and shampoo, then let your brush soak for 4-5 minutes. Your brush will be thoroughly cleaned of all debris and residue by doing this. Additionally, soak a soft towel in the mixture. Once they are perfectly clean, your hair tools will keep your hairs healthy and protected. Gently clean your hair straightener and other tools with the damp towel.